How to Play Wolf in Golf?


So, you’ve been hearing a lot about this intriguing game called “Wolf” in golf and are curious about how to play it. Great! Wolf is a fun, strategic twist on traditional golf that can add a whole new level of excitement to your rounds. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to get started, from the basic rules to advanced strategies.

we’ll explore:

  • Setting Up the Game
  • Rules of Wolf
  • Strategies for Playing Wolf

Understanding the Basics of Wolf

What is a Wolf?

Wolf is a betting game that’s typically played in a group of four golfers. Unlike traditional golf, where you’re mainly focused on your score, Wolf introduces an element of strategy and partnership, making each hole a new adventure.

History of Wolf in Golf

While the exact origins of Wolf are a bit murky, it’s believed to have been popularized in the mid-20th century. Golfers were looking for ways to make their rounds more interesting and competitive, leading to the creation of various side games like Wolf.

Why is it Called Wolf?

The game is named after the “Wolf” – a role that rotates among the players. The Wolf’s decisions heavily influence the game’s dynamics, akin to a lone wolf making strategic choices in the wild.

How to Play Wolf in Golf?

Wolf is a fun and strategic golf game that can be played with four players. Here’s a breakdown of how to play:

Setting Up:

  • Decide on a tee-off order for the first hole. This order will rotate throughout the round.
  • In each hole, one player will be designated as the “Wolf.”

Playing the Hole:

  • The Wolf watches the other three players tee off.
  • After seeing their shots (or before anyone tees off), the Wolf can choose to:
    • Pick a partner: Select one of the other players to form a two-person team for that hole.
    • Go Solo Wolf: Play the hole alone and try to beat the scores of all three other players.
    • Go Lone Wolf (declared before tee off): Similar to Solo Wolf, but earns the Wolf triple the points if they win the hole alone (more risk, more reward).


  • The scoring system can be flexible, but a common approach is:
    • If the Wolf wins the hole-playing Solo Wolf, they get the most points (e.g., 4 points).
    • If the Wolf and their partner win the hole, they each get a moderate amount of points (e.g., 2 points each).
    • If the Wolf loses (either alone or with a partner), the other players each get points (e.g., 1 point each).

Wolf Rotation:

  • The Wolf designation rotates after each hole, following the pre-determined tee-off order.
  • On the last two holes (17th and 18th), there might be variations in Wolf designation depending on the total number of players.


  • As the Wolf, strategically choose your partner based on their tee shot and your own game.
  • The Wolf can bluff and wait to see other players’ shots before committing to a partner.
  • Decide on a betting system (optional) to add excitement to the game.

Additional Resources:

You can find more detailed information and variations of Wolf by searching online for “Wolf golf game rules”.

Read also: What Is a Good Score in Golf?

Setting Up the Game

Number of Players

Wolf is best played with four players. However, some variations can accommodate fewer players, which we’ll discuss later.

Equipment Needed

You’ll need the usual golf equipment: clubs, balls, tees, and a scorecard. No special equipment is required for Wolf.

Choosing Teams

Teams are not pre-determined in Wolf. Instead, the Wolf for each hole decides whether to play solo or choose a partner based on the performance of the other players.

Rules of Wolf

The Role of the Wolf

The Wolf has the unique advantage of choosing to go solo or select a partner after seeing everyone’s tee shots. This decision-making adds a strategic layer to the game.

Choosing the Wolf

The order is usually decided at the beginning of the game and rotates every hole. For example, if Player A is the Wolf in Hole 1, Player B will be the Wolf in Hole 2, and so on.

Playing Order

Players tee off in a pre-determined order. The Wolf tees off last, allowing them to see the performance of the others before making a decision.

Read also: How to Mark a Golf Ball?

Gameplay Dynamics

The Wolf’s Decision

After everyone tees off, the Wolf decides whether to play the hole alone or choose a partner. If the Wolf goes solo and wins, they earn more points. If they lose, they risk losing big.

Playing as a Lone Wolf

Going solo is a high-risk, high-reward strategy. If the Wolf wins the hole alone, they score double points. However, if they lose, they score nothing.

Choosing a Partner

If the Wolf decides to team up, they can choose any player based on the initial shots. The Wolf and their partner then play against the other two players.

Strategy for the Wolf

The key to being a successful Wolf is reading the game well. You need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the other players quickly and make strategic decisions accordingly.

Scoring in Wolf

Basic Scoring Rules

In Wolf, points are awarded based on the results of each hole. The exact point system can vary, but a common method is:

  • Wolf wins alone: 2 points
  • Wolf and partner win: 1 point each
  • Opponents win: 1 point each

Lone Wolf Scoring

If the Wolf decides to go alone and wins the hole, they earn double points, making this a lucrative but risky choice.

Team Scoring

When the Wolf chooses a partner and they win the hole, both the Wolf and the partner earn points. This reduces the risk but also the potential reward.

Keeping Track of Scores

Keeping an accurate score is crucial. Make sure to designate a scorekeeper or use a scorecard app to keep track of who is the Wolf and the points scored by each player.

Strategies for Playing Wolf

When to Go Solo

Choosing to go solo should be based on your confidence in your abilities and the performance of the other players. If you’re having a great day or your opponents are struggling, going solo can pay off.

Partner Selection Tips

If you decide not to go solo, choose your partner wisely. Pick someone with a strong tee shot who will likely help you win the hole.

Risk vs. Reward

Weighing the potential points against the risk of losing them is a constant in Wolf. Sometimes it’s better to play it safe, while other times, taking a risk can pay off.

Tips for Beginners

Starting in Wolf can be a bit daunting, but with the right approach, you can quickly get the hang of it and enjoy this exciting game. Here are the top 10 tips for beginners to help you get started:

  1. Understand the Rules

    • Before you hit the course, make sure you fully understand the rules of Wolf. Knowing how the game works and what is expected of you as the Wolf or as a partner will help you make better decisions.
  2. Practice Your Tee Shots

    • Your performance off the tee can significantly influence your success in Wolf. Spend time practicing your drives to ensure you can consistently hit solid shots from the start.
  3. Play with Experienced Golfers

    • Playing with golfers who are familiar with Wolf can help you learn the nuances of the game more quickly. Watch how they strategize and make decisions, and don’t be afraid to ask for tips.
  4. Focus on Your Short Game

    • A strong short game is crucial in golf, especially in a game like Wolf where every stroke counts. Practice your putting and chipping to improve your chances of winning holes.
  5. Communicate with Your Partner

    • When you’re not playing solo, clear communication with your partner is essential. Discuss your strategy for each hole and support each other’s decisions.
  6. Stay Flexible

    • Be ready to adapt your strategy based on how the game progresses. If your initial plan isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it up.
  7. Learn Course Management

    • Understanding the course layout can give you a significant advantage. Familiarize yourself with the hazards, green speeds, and general layout to make smarter decisions.
  8. Be Honest About Your Skills

    • Know your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re not confident in going solo, it’s better to choose a partner and play it safe. As you gain experience, you’ll better understand when to take risks.
  9. Keep the Game Fun

    • Remember, Wolf is meant to be enjoyable. Don’t get too caught up in winning or losing. Focus on having fun, improving your game, and enjoying the company of your fellow golfers.
  10. Review Your Rounds

    • After each game, take some time to review what went well and what didn’t. Reflecting on your performance can help you learn from your mistakes and improve in future rounds.

Common Mistakes to Avoid


Even seasoned golfers can make errors when playing Wolf, which can cost them points and diminish their enjoyment of the game. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Poor Partner Choices

    Choosing a partner based solely on one impressive shot can backfire. Look for consistency and how their strengths complement your game. It’s better to choose a reliable player who consistently performs well.

  2. Misjudging Your Abilities

    Overestimating your skills can lead to poor decisions, like going solo when you’re not at your best. Be honest about your capabilities and play to your strengths.

  3. Ignoring the Score

    Not keeping track of the score can lead to missed opportunities or unnecessary risks. Always be aware of the points at stake and how they impact the overall game.

  4. Lack of Course Knowledge

    Failing to understand the course layout can put you at a disadvantage. Know the hazards, green speeds, and hole layouts to make better strategic decisions.

  5. Inconsistent Play

    Inconsistent performance, especially with your drives and putts, can hurt your chances. Practice regularly to maintain a consistent game, which is crucial for making strategic decisions.

  6. Poor Communication

    If you’re playing with a partner, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and missed strategies. Discuss your plans and make sure you’re on the same page.

  7. Overthinking

    While strategy is important, overthinking every shot can cause indecision and mistakes. Find a balance between strategic thinking and playing your natural game.

  8. Failing to Adapt

    Conditions can change during a round, and failing to adapt your strategy accordingly can cost you. Be flexible and adjust your plans based on the weather, course conditions, and your performance.

  9. Ignoring Opponents

    Not paying attention to how your opponents are playing can leave you unprepared for their moves. Observe their strengths and weaknesses and use this information to make strategic decisions.

  10. Neglecting the Mental Game

    Golf is as much a mental game as it is physical. Letting frustration or overconfidence affect your decisions can lead to mistakes. Stay focused, composed, and confident, but not overly so.

Advanced Wolf Strategies

Playing Wolf effectively requires more than just basic knowledge of the game; it involves advanced strategies to outsmart your opponents and maximize your chances of winning. Here are the top 10 advanced strategies to elevate your Wolf game:

  1. Assess Your Opponents Quickly

    • Observe how your opponents are playing from the very first hole. Pay attention to their strengths and weaknesses, which will help you make informed decisions when it’s your turn to be the Wolf.
  2. Calculate the Risk vs. Reward

    • Always weigh the potential points you could earn by going solo against the risk of losing them. If you’re confident in your ability to outperform the others on a particular hole, it might be worth taking the gamble.
  3. Strategic Partner Selection

    • When choosing a partner, don’t just go for the player with the best shot on that hole. Consider overall consistency and how well their strengths complement your weaknesses.
  4. Use Bluffing to Your Advantage

    • Just like in poker, bluffing can be an effective tactic in Wolf. Make your opponents second-guess your intentions, whether you’re planning to go solo or choose a partner.
  5. Stay Adaptable

    • Be ready to adjust your strategy based on changing conditions. If the wind picks up or the greens get faster, you might need to alter your approach to maintain your edge.
  6. Master Course Management

    • Know the course inside out. Understanding the layout, hazards, and green speeds will help you make better decisions and anticipate how each hole plays out.
  7. Play Mind Games

    • Subtle psychological tactics can throw off your opponents. Confidently stating your intentions or questioning theirs can create doubt and affect their performance.
  8. Position Yourself Strategically

    • Use strategic positioning to your advantage. On the tee box, position yourself where you can get a better read on your opponents’ shots or where you’re most comfortable hitting from.
  9. Focus on Your Short Game

    • A strong short game can be a game-changer in Wolf. Excellent putting and chipping can save you strokes and give you the upper hand, especially in pressure situations.
  10. Keep an Eye on the Score

    • Always be aware of the current score and how many points are at stake. This awareness will help you decide when to take risks and when to play it safe, ensuring you maximize your chances of winning.

Variations of Wolf

Progressive Wolf

In Progressive Wolf, the points increase as the game progresses, adding more tension and excitement to the later holes.

Blind Wolf

In this variation, the Wolf must decide whether to go solo or choose a partner before seeing any shots. This adds a level of unpredictability and fun.

9-Hole Wolf

For a shorter game, 9-Hole Wolf follows the same rules but is played over nine holes instead of eighteen.

Fun Facts about Wolf

Wolf is not just a game of strategy and skill; it’s also packed with fun and interesting aspects that make it a favorite among golfers. Many professional golfers enjoy playing Wolf during practice rounds, adding a layer of friendly competition and camaraderie. The game has gained popularity due to its dynamic nature, where each hole presents a new challenge and opportunity for different players to shine.

Notably, there have been some remarkable scores and thrilling moments in Wolf games, with players often remembering these rounds as some of the most enjoyable and memorable in their golfing experiences. Whether it’s the high stakes of going solo or the strategic partner choices, Wolf keeps golfers on their toes and adds a refreshing twist to the traditional game of golf.


Wolf is a fantastic way to spice up your golf game. It combines elements of strategy, skill, and camaraderie, making every round unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a beginner, give Wolf a try – you might just find it becoming your favorite way to play.


1. How long does a game of Wolf take?

A game of Wolf typically takes the same amount of time as a regular round of golf, around 4-5 hours for 18 holes, but this can vary depending on the pace of play.

2. Can Wolf be played with fewer than four players?

Yes, while Wolf is best with four players, variations like Three-Player Wolf can adjust the rules to accommodate fewer players.

3. Is Wolf suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Wolf can be a great way for beginners to learn strategic thinking in golf while enjoying a fun and engaging game.

4.  What are some common strategies for winning at Wolf?

Key strategies include carefully choosing when to go solo, selecting the right partners, and paying attention to the performance of all players.

5. How can I improve my chances as the Wolf?

Improving your chances as the Wolf involves practicing your shots, understanding the course, and making strategic decisions based on the current game dynamics.


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